Sunday, March 28, 2010

As Promised..... Voigt Metal

As promised one of my goals is to share other artists on our blog. When able I love supporting other artist by sharing or buying.
Today I want show you what Aaron Voigt from is creating! Fabricator by day and amazingly creative up recycled robots by night!

All of his creative genious is created from recycled parts like aviation meters, car parts, metal scraps, treasures from the junkyard and hand me downs!
How one can be so creative I will never know?

Want anything custom made, to pick his brain, or just send some love? Just head to his website he is always adding new peices and attending shows!

Cupcake Affair!

I'm back and whew... it has been a busy month! No way am I complaing :) especially because I love what I do! Thought I'd share, I have linked my blog account with my website so it will be easier all around to keep it up to date.

So last weekend was the 4th Ave Street Fair in Tuscon and it was crazy fun! Ended up doing a photoshoot while I was there with a costume that I had made for the awesome Bindi Baby! Here is a pic!!!

Holy Moly isn't this pic so awesome? We all went to a playground and Bindi Baby totally did her thang.
The pic was taken by the super talented Neil of Nvision Ink. Dude has mad skill and I can't wait to work with him again! Anyone want his info let me know!

Since I'm on the subject of Cupcakes ;) here is a new cute bow that is avail. on now!
Yum Yum!

I will be sharing other super talents in my blogs as well! So tomorrows I'm gonna start with my husbands!
Thanks for checking out what we are up to!